BloG 2
Prison ministryPrison ministry
I was on a mission trip with my parents and we planned to be for a few days in Laoag. We wanted to support, encourage and pray with these 3 people in the blue shirts on the pictures. Within an hour that we arrived there we were standing in jail. Don’t worry we didn’t do anything wrong, we were there to do ministry with these amazing people that go there every week. This jail was so different again from the jails where I went before. I had the feeling that this was one of the good jails where you could be. That sounds of course weird, because jail is never a good place to ben. But in this one the guards that were working there weren’t even holding guns and prisoners even helped the guard to guard the gate. We kinda did a church service in the middle of the prison, a lot of people came and were sitting there. It was funny because we didn’t knew we were going to make it, but when we did one person that brought us there said: so you guys are sharing, right? Because of that I needed to think of what I always say: ‘always be ready to share’, that is something I always teach my students, always be prepared. Without knowing I started sharing about dreams, that God gives us dreams and that dreams sometimes take a while before they come true. You can see that happening a bible story and I also saw it happen in my life. With one of my biggest dreams, it took me 16 years to see it coming true. It was beautiful to see their reactions and then my dad started to share about God who gives us freedom! This is such a good topic because they are here of course for a reason. So they are not free from the law, but God gives them the real freedom. My dad finished his teaching with the question: “Who wants to receive Jesus in their life?’ At that moment there went so many hands up in the air. It was so beautiful to see this happen, such a special moment where were could pray for them and give them a warm hug! That was something where they asked for. God did so much, he was moving in this Prison. And It’s so beautiful that it doesn’t matter what your past is, God will always love you!

In missions
Since 2018:
I am a fulltime missionary by YWAM. I invest in the Urban Presence DTS at YWAM Amsterdam. Here we will: disciple and train young people, challenge young people to be world changers, take youth on outreach to Asia.
How is that Financial?
You do not get paid at YWAM, so this means no salary compensation. That’s shy I saved money to be able to pay part of the costs. For the rest, I am completely dependent on God’s provision.
Do you want to be my partner?
I ask you to become my partner. What I mainly need now are monthly donation for mu accommodation, food, insurance and travel expenses. I am willing to live simply, so I can train young people and to take them on a mission trip. Will you be my partner for the next two years? I can not do this without your support.