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Belasting aftrekbaar via St. Life-Impact
Project Discipleship & Missions
Betaling met Ideal kost 0.35 euro
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In missions
Since 2018:
I am a fulltime missionary by YWAM. I invest in the Urban Presence DTS at YWAM Amsterdam. Here we will: disciple and train young people, challenge young people to be world changers, take youth on outreach to Asia.
How is that Financial?
You do not get paid at YWAM, so this means no salary compensation. That’s shy I saved money to be able to pay part of the costs. For the rest, I am completely dependent on God’s provision.
Do you want to be my partner?
I ask you to become my partner. What I mainly need now are monthly donation for mu accommodation, food, insurance and travel expenses. I am willing to live simply, so I can train young people and to take them on a mission trip. Will you be my partner for the next two years? I can not do this without your support.